AED Defibrillator

AED Defibrillator is a life saving medical device with a light and useful design to deliver electric shock (defibrillation) to the patient in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. AED defibrillators are designed to be used by anyone who does not have medical training but has had training in first aid.

AED DefibrillatorRitimPort AED Defibrillator (automatic defibrillator) is lightweight and easy to use, long battery life, long warranty period, more than 100 defibrillation (shock) capacity, high capacity internal memory, easily updatable infrastructure, patient / ECG (electrocardiograph) monitoring screen / screenless and fully automated defibrillator / semi automated defibrillator models have many advantages in terms of technology such as user-friendly CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) help feature.

Furthermore, the RitimPort AED defibrillator is always ready to use thanks to its clamshell design. First aid materials such as scissors / gloves / razors that may be needed during use are in this cover and provide ease of use without the need of anything at the time of the case where every minute is important.

RitimPort AED Defibrillator differs from other AED defibrillator with competitive defibrillator price.

Why to choose the RitimPort AED Defibrillator (AED)?

The RitimPort Automated Defibrillator (AED Defibrillator) is relatively easy to use as it guides the user through three stages, using audible and visual signals. With its self-test property, it is always ready-to-use. The RitimPort Automated Defibrillator is compact, lightweight, and comes with all accessories, thanks to a carrying case that is offered as a standard accessory. With the small first aid kit, which you will find in the cover case, you will not need any other auxiliary materials. Weighing only 3 kg, the RitimPort Automated Defibrillator is very easy to carry. The metronome sound for CPR coaches the user, which more effectively assists with CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) . With software that has the ability to recognise automatically pediatric AED pads, the pediatric AED pads are automatically configured for use on a child patient, from the moment they are plugged. The RitimPort Automated Defibrillator also record patient’s resuscitation data in its memory and the recovery history can be viewed at any time. It provides the opportunity for the end-user to remotely update the software easily in line with the variable AHA/ERC guidelines. The clear, straightforward voice commands with adjustable sound intensity makes using the device even easier. The optional wall assembly kit and AED cabinet accessories enable the device to be used anywhere. The RitimPort Automated Defibrillator offers maximum service to its users through its high quality and economic replacement parts and accessories.

AED defibrillatorRitimPort AED Defibrillator (automatic defibrillator) is lightweight and easy to use as well as long battery life / long warranty time / more than 100 defibrillation (shock) capacity / high capacity internal memory / easily updatable infrastructure / patient ECG monitoring screen / fully automatic defibrillator / Semi-Automated Defibrillator models have many advantages in terms of technology such as user-friendly CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) help feature.

Furthermore, the RitimPort AED defibrillator is always ready for use thanks to the capless design and the bag provided with the device. First aid materials such as disposable pads / scissors / gloves / razors that may be required during use are included in the case and the device provides ease of use without the need for anything at the time of early defibrillation.

In addition, all RitimPort AED Defibrillators (automatic defibrillator) have self-test function and perform daily software self-test and hardware checks. If a fault is detected, the green “Ready to Use” LED goes off and warns the user. You only need to follow the periodic maintenance and calibration procedures.

RitimPort Automated Defibrillator distinguishes itself from other automatic defibrillator with competitive defibrillator price. Not only with its reasonable price, but also with consumables and accessories such as batteries / disposable pads / bags, it provides advantages to the end users with its reasonable prices.

Automated Defibrillator with Screen Model

automated external defibrillatorAED Defibrillators with screen; only difference with an automatic defibrillator that has a display monitor is that it makes it possible to see information, such as the form of ECG waves of the patient, the time elapsed, visual images of audible commands, the number of shocks delivered etc. In cases where AED defibrillator with display monitor are used by healthcare professionals, the device provides much more detailed information on the patient, which assists the specialists in administering medical treatment.

If you prefer the AED defibrillator with lid, or if you would like to know more about the RitimPort AED defibrillator, please visit the RitimPort automated defibrillator page.

If you have not decided which type of AED defibrillator model you can check our “which type of AED defibrillator” page.

From Electric Shock to AED Defibrillator – A Brief History

In the 1947 electric shock method was first used successfully to eliminate ventricular fibrillation. This happened during heart surgery. Nine years later, a device with an external defibrillator was found, which, if justified by an arrhythmia in the heart’s electrocardiographic (ECG) curve, can provide an effective electric shock without opening the chest. Ten years later, ambulances equipped with a mobile defibrillator appeared in England.

In 1966, the first portable defibrillator was made in Northern Ireland by two doctors at the Royal Victoria Hospital. The device installed in the ambulance weighed more than 50 Kilograms! So it was not easy to carry and use.

But for the first time in history, he managed to eliminate deadly arrhythmias outside the hospital. A significant reduction in sudden cardiac death was observed in a short time, so further development of the device began.

Integration of arrhythmia analysis and development of analysis-based defibrillation became possible in the late 1980s. Then a wider but still inadequate number of appropriately trained specialists may be involved in saving lives. Thanks to the step-by-step voice commands of the devices, possible confusion and errors were prevented.

Defibrillator specialists in public places, launched in 1989 in San Francisco, received extensive life-saving training. In November 2003, a 3-year research program called the Public Access Defibrillation Trial in the United States was completed, which scientifically proved the life-saving role of public defibrillators, involving 19,000 volunteer lifeboats.

As a result of the magnificent work; The number of survivors outside the hospital doubled. In the following years, the devices deployed in the USA have become widespread and their numbers continue to increase.

In addition to being easy to use, the AED Defibrillator makes today’s models a very good analysis of ECG arrhythmias and heart functions. They can also self-test: they give signals and warn the user if their faults or batteries need to be replaced.

  • Make sure you and the patient are safe first.
  • Call 112 / 911 (or your local emergency number) immediately and call an ambulance.
  • Ask those who are with you to bring an AED defibrillator immediately.
  • Open the patient’s airway and check his breath.
  • Then do a continuous heart massage until an automatic defibrillator comes in.
  • When the automated defibrillator arrives, turn on the device and follow the voice / visual commands
  • Open the patient’s chest. If necessary, cut the clothes with the help of scissors.
  • Stick the pads supplied with the device to the patient’s chest as shown on picture and press the pads firmly.
  • Do not touch the patient and wait for the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.
  • If the automatic defibrillator recommends shock, make sure no one touches the patient and press the “SHOCK” button.
  • Start heart massage with a voice command. Apply 30 pressures and give 2 Breaths. Repeat this for 2 minutes. Then wait for the AED defibrillator to analyze the heart rhythm.
  • Repeat this cycle until the professional emergency team arrives.

    Chain of Survival AED defibrillator

AED defibrillators are smart medical devices with advanced software technology. Although there are few AED defibrillators manufacturers in the world, their costs are not very high. When price / benefit costs are compared and when it comes to human life, we can say that AED defibrillator prices are at very low levels.
The main features that distinguish AED defibrillators are;
* Heart rate analysis accuracy rate
* Battery life
* Battery performance
* Device life
* Defibrillation pad shelf life
* Warranty period
* Spare parts cost
* Accessory parts cost
* Fast and reliable after-sales services
* And of course AED defibrillator price

When all these features are compared, you will easily find that the AED defibrillators we manufacture will be more suitable for you.

When deciding to buy AED Defibrillators, definitely compare the warranty period, after-sales technical infrastructure capability, spare parts costs and accessory costs. Otherwise, the AED defibrillator you buy cheaply may be too expensive for you due to additional costs.

What is the AED defibrillator price? As we mentioned above, the AED defibrillator price is not having inaccessible costs today. The price of an AED defibrillator ranges from $1000 to $2000. Contact us for our current AED defibrillator prices and detailed questions. Also take advantage of our AED Defibrillator campaigns.

AED defibrillator use and awareness is increasing day by day. Due to the social responsibility projects provided and the imperatives applied, AED defibrillators have started to be available in many areas. Especially in America, Canada and European countries, this situation is more common than other developing countries. In countries outside these countries, AED defibrillator awareness and use has started to increase.
The countries mentioned above made it mandatory to have AED defibrillators at sports clubs, workplaces, theaters, cinemas, subways, metro stations, schools. Some users have preferred to buy AED defibrillators at their own will, even though they are not mandatory. This helps us understand how much they care about human life for those people.

Determine where the higher risk is (eg gym, cinema, subway, shoping center etc). Where do many people visit regularly? (eg dining room, customer service, reception etc). How far can the patient be from this location? Complex building structure extends the reach of the ambulance. Taking these into consideration, the most suitable location for the AED defibrillator can be selected. Place the automatic defibrillator in a prominent, easily accessible location.

If possible, place the AED defibrillator in the AED cabinet mounted on the wall. Choose models that give audible and visual warning when the cabinet door is opened.

Register the placed AED defibrillator to the local map system. Register so that someone in need can reach the device in a short time.

Determine who should attend the basic first aid course at your institution. For example, security guards, customer service workers, occupational health and safety workers, receptionists, etc. Make sure what you learn in the course is updated from time to time.

All personnel should be informed about the location of the defibrillator and what to do in an emergency.

If a person has life-threatening heart rhythm disorders, the defibrillator should be corrected the natural heart rhythm. For this purpose, the defibrillator applies energy (joules) through the electrodes. Automatic external defibrillators are used in first aid by non-specialists

AED Defibrillators on the market have a capacity of approximately 2000V.  By discharging with this voltage in a very short time, it gives the patient an average of 150 Joule to 360 Joule.

Ventricular fibrillation is a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia. The heart is no longer able to pump blood, and the affected person faints in seconds. If left untreated (defibrillation), Ventricular fibrillation leads to death of the person within minutes.

Ventricular fibrillation; it is a chaotic electrical activity of the heart muscle. This makes the function and normal contraction of the heart impossible. As a result, organs (brain muscle and heart muscle) die without a blood supply. The most common causes are acute hypoxia. However, an accident can also be caused by ion balance disorder, effort or severe chest impulse. Symptoms include loss of consciousness, immediate heart rate and respiratory arrest. One of the most common causes of sudden cardiac death between the ages of 30-40 is a special myocardial degeneration in which ventricular muscles become abnormally thick. The ECG signal may highlight the possibility of sudden cardiac death. Valve dysfunction and coronary spasm under increased load also have the possibility of sudden cardiac death. In such a situation, the only remedy is early defibrillation and cardiac massage.  Regular healthy nutrition, sports and doctor control will greatly protect you from these conditions.

Sudden cardiac arrest; the heart begins to work quickly and uncoordinated. This prevents blood from being pumped into the heart, brain, and other organs. Normal resuscitation (artificial respiration and cardiac massage) is not enough to correct the heart function. AED defibrillator (automatic external defibrillator); With the help of electrodes on the chest of the person, it is necessary to analyze the patient’s heart rhythm and if necessary, use a device that performs defibrillation (shock). The AED Defibrillator allows the heart to function at its normal rhythm again

If someone collapses to the ground, has no pulse and does not breathe, there may still be a chance to survive. That means, That person’s heart beats so fast that it cannot pump blood. This is the result of the electrical activation running the heart not working well. In order to keep the patient alive, the patient’s heart must be rerun with the aid of the AED defibrillator shock. The faster the defibrillation procedure is applied, the better our chances of returning to life.
Every minute without defibrillation reduces the chance of life by 10% (Do not Forget it! Every minute counts)
Brain damage begins within 3 minutes. Technically, brain death occurs after 10 minutes. Sudden cardiac death is always due to heart rhythm (arrhythmia). Most non-hospital cases are AED defibrillator curable arrhythmias. Ventricular fibrillation is most common.

AED defibrillator should be delivered to the patient within 3 minutes at the latest after the patient loses consciousness. By considering this time period, you can determine how many devices to place on.

Anyone can experience unexpected sudden heart death anytime, anywhere. When this happens, the chance to return to life depends on whether someone in the immediate environment can start learning simple but effective basic first aid without delay, which can be learned within half an hour.

Unfortunately, most of the time, this dramatic event takes place outside the hospital. Many of these situations result in death, because those around the person who collapsed unexpectedly often do not begin resuscitation. The American Heart Association involves young children in resuscitation training for a more effective AED defibrillator use.

Gaetano Thiene, a professor from the University of Padua, suggested placing a defibrillator in the football pitch, where everyone can access it. Players, referees and cops should learn to use AED defibrillators. Since these defibrillators are automatic, they are very simple devices to use. It clearly informs the defibrillator user what to do.

Italian sports doctors were highly appreciated by the Americans. Deadly cardiac arrhythmias, the most common cause of sudden unexpected heart death, have declined by 90 percent since the Sports Health Act came into force in Italy. This is the combined result of AED defibrillator devices placed in resuscitation training, regular practice and sports grounds. “Defibrillators should be kept and used like a fire extinguisher tube wherever there are many people. It is good to have it when you need it, not need it.”

1. Sudden Heart Deaths
In many countries around the world, 40% of deaths occur with sudden heart death. Sudden cardiac death is a rare sad event for medical intervention. It occurs at a young age due to developmental disorders of the heart, coronary arteries, and some hereditary heart diseases and arrhythmias. Usually at the age of 30 to 40, the main cause is coronary artery disease. Blood flowing from the narrowed coronary arteries can no longer supply enough oxygen to the heart muscle in case of physical or mental exertion and stress. And a fatal arrhythmia begins without a blood supply in the heart muscle. This is mostly ventricular fibrillation. In this case, the cells of the systemically working heart muscle begin to work independently and irregularly. As a result, the pump task of the heart stops. Often sudden cardiac death is the first sign of myocardial infarction;

2. Sudden Cardiac Death Symptoms
In more than half of the cases, myocardial infarction is often the first sign of advanced coronary artery disease, and myocardial infarction can result in immediate death. Although the symptoms of coronary artery disease are usually mild or misleading, they can show signs of fatigue, intermittent sternus pain, and shortness of breath. If the cardiovascular risk is high, or if the above symptoms appear, the disease can be detected in a timely manner. Cardiovascular risk factors: high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, male gender, stress, diabetes, abdominal obesity, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet.

3. What to do in case of sudden cardiac heart attack?
We have three minutes to successfully start the undamaged treatment. Then, irreversible brain damage begins to occur and the chance of resuscitation, which begins after 10 minutes, is minimal. Elements of the survival chain “seek emergency help”, “resuscitation / CPR”, early defibrillation and early care. It includes resuscitation, airway clearance, chest compressions, and insufflation. Resuscitation should continue until ambulances arrive, or until the AED defibrillator (automatic defibrillator) arrives. Thus, sudden cardiac death can be effectively treated, after which the patient can live up to decades.

4. Resuscitation – Defibrillation training
A year ago, the European Parliament proposed equipping larger public spaces such as train and metro stations, airports and stadiums with life-saving automatic defibrillators. Resuscitation training in developed countries is part of the curriculum. A doctor cannot be with everyone. Often in case of sudden cardiac arrest, life can be saved by performing resuscitation and applying the AED defibrillator recently. Besides all students, relatives of heart patients should also receive such training. Many associations and foundations are putting pressure on defibrillators in public spaces, as well as compulsory curricula to include resuscitation and defibrillation.

Within the framework of the “Every minute matters” program, some foundations have launched a life-saving AED defibrillator project to be placed in police vehicles. The program’s long-term goal is to ensure that all police vehicles have an AED defibrillator from next year.

International experience shows that AED defibrillators, which are found in a significant number of cases in public areas, police units, patrol cars, streets, and traffic, are effective in saving human life through timely intervention.

The reason for this is that the heart can be normalized by defibrillation, which cannot be contracted regularly. The time factor is very important, and 3 minutes after the onset of symptoms, loss of consciousness, respiratory and circulatory begins to damage vital organs and 10 minutes later death occurs.

Since early defibrillation is the most critical element of the survival chain, that is, it is critical to provide the AED defibrillator in the field, some voluntary heart foundations want to change this. The “Every Minute Matters” project supports the availability of any AED defibrillators that can increase our life. We hope that operators of institutions, shopping malls, companies, public places will learn and recognize the importance of their roles in combating sudden cardiac death.

How to Use AED Defibrillator in an Emergency?
Many companies, public places and buildings are equipped with AED defibrillators for first aid. The devices are designed to be easily used by people without medical education. An automatic defibrillator can be identified by the abbreviation “AED” and / or a green sign with a heart symbol.

How AED Defibrillator Works?
Simply put, the AED defibrillator is a box with a handle and a lid reminiscent of a first aid kit or small instrument bag. Two wires are attached to the box, with postcard-size stickers on the ends. These are AED electrodes. The device is connected to the unconscious person through electrodes / pads.
In an emergency, the defibrillator is easy to use: it uses a built-in audio function to indicate which actions will be performed in what order. Depending on the model, a small screen or graphics can also help.

When used properly, the AED defibrillator can identify two typical causes of cardiac arrest and take action accordingly:

Ventricular fibrillation: The heart muscle cells still contract, but are very fast and uncoordinated. Therefore, the heart “just twitches” and no longer develops enough strength to pump blood into the body. In this case, the defibrillator can provide a controlled current surge that brings the heart back to a regular rhythm. This is called defibrillation (shock).

Asystole (no heart rhythm): Heart muscle cells no longer contract; the heart stops motionless. Then no defibrillation helps, only a cardiac massage is applied. In this case, the AED Defibrillator guides the user with a voice command.

When to use the AED Defibrillator?
If a person is collapse on the ground and has no vital signs, you should use a defibrillator. If there is someone else, while performing chest compressions, the other person calls emergency (112 / 911 etc) and brings the defibrillator.

How to use AED Defibrillator?
As soon as the device arrives, it must be turned on and the electrodes connected. It is important to continue cardiac massage until the device prompts you to stop. Work together: one person continues with chest compressions, the other person sticks the electrode to the naked body of the unconscious person. One electrode should be glued under the right clavicle, the other under the armpit on the left side of the chest. Then follow the instructions given to you by the device.

If the AED Defibrillator detects ventricular fibrillation, the device prompts you to press the shock button so that defibrillation can be delivered. The shock button is usually indicated by a lightning image. Pay attention to the audio and visual instructions of the device. It is important that neither you nor others touch the unconscious person when the shock button is pressed. Then follow the instructions of the defibrillator. For example, continue cardiac massage.
