Automatic Defibrillator

Automatic Defibrillator , also known as AED (automatic external defibrillator), is a small, lightweight and portable device that delivers an electrical shock (defibrillation) to the heart of a person who is experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

In other words, Automatic Defibrillator is a life saving medical device with a light and useful design to deliver electric shock (defibrillation) to the patient in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. Automated defibrillators are designed to be used by anyone who does not have medical training but has had training in first aid.

automated defibrillator

The AED – automated defibrillator – is designed especially for first responders, and is used until emergency paramedics arrive at the scene.

The early defibrillation, a treatment for sudden cardiac arrest, may enable the heart to beat at a rhythm that maintains circulation once again, and can be lifesaving.

In some developed countries, it is compulsory to make automatic defibrillators available and easily accessible in crowded places such as stadiums, shopping malls, airports etc.

Even though under ideal conditions automatic defibrillators should be used by certified first responders, in some countries the use of AED defibrillator is permitted without any certification, as the device can be successfully used by people without any training, due to the audible commands and guidance they provide.

Automatic defibrillators can be used at home, in the work place or in public places by anyone who is not a medical expert but who has had the appropriate training for using the device. The advantages of having an automatic defibrillator is that it helps to keep the patient alive or to resuscitate the patient who is having a heart attack / sudden cardiac arrest until a professional emergency team arrives on the scene. That said, if a person who is having a heart attack is not defibrillated as quickly as possible, their chance of survival declines with every passing minute.

Frequently Asked Questions About Automatic Defibrillator

Automatic defibrillator (AED Defibrillator) have advanced ECG analysis software; hence, the device analyses the ECG signals and the user is guided through an audio / visual system. Therefore, the operator does not need to know the cardiac rhythm.

  • Check the patient and make sure there are no vital signs
  • Immediately call emergency number and call an ambulance
  • Ask other people to bring the automatic defibrillator
  • Apply CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) until automatic defibrillator arrives
  • When Automatic defibrillator received, attach the disposable pads of the Automatic Defibrillator to the naked chest of the patient
  • Wait for the device to analyse the patient’s cardiac rhythm (ECG)
  • If the Automatic defibrillator recommends defibrillation (shock), press “defibrillation/shock” button in semi-automated devices. Or with fully automated devices let the device apply the defibrillation
  • Continue CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) immediately after shock.
  • Follow the automatic defibrillator voice commands until the emergency team arrive

Automatic defibrillator device; It is divided into two as a fully-automatic defibrillator device and a semi-automatic defibrillator device.

In addition, there are automated defibrillators with options for display and non-display, which display the ECG signal. If a medical expert is not going to use the automated defibrillator, non-screened model may be preferred rather than screened automated defibrillator showing an ECG signal.

early defibrillation statisticsMedical experts state that the most crucial period in the treatment of a cardiac arrest patient is the first three or four minutes (early defibrillation). Otherwise, the risk of brain damage and other complications increase drastically.

Early defibrillation is critical in the Chain of Survival. Because the time from collapse of the patient is the determinant of survival during defibrillation. The longer the elapsed time, the less chance of defibrillation to succeed. As a result, the chance of survival is reduced. For this reason, the patient should be given shock as soon as possible. To summarize, defibrillation is effective only when administered within the first few minutes of the SCA (sudden cardiac arrest) section. Defibrillation performed in the first three minutes has a 80% chance of survival. However, with each passing minute, the chances of human survival continue to decrease by 10% and medical brain death occurs after 10 minutes as oxygen cannot be pumped into the brain. In the light of this information, early defibrillation is a very important procedure.

Automatic Defibrillators are designed for use by anyone who has first aid knowledge during training but without medical training knowledge. To save more lives, everyone should be trained in using AEDs (automated defibrillators) and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). In developed countries, studies on awareness and social responsibility are carried out.

Automatic defibrillators guide and assist users with voice and visual commands. Globally, the average time taken by the ambulance to reach the scene is between 10 and 12 minutes, during which time every minute is vital. Brain death starts in about three minutes in a person with sudden cardiac arrest and has a very low chance of survival after 10 minutes.

YES! But you do need to use pediatric pads / electrodes for patients between 0 and 8 years old.
0-1 year of age – Defibrillation is not recommended. Do not have so much clinical research
1 – 8 years of age – Use pediatric pads / electrodes for patients who weigh less than 25 kg
8 years or older – Use adult pads for patients who weigh more than 25 kg

Automatic defibrillators are not high-cost devices today. Especially considering human life! Prices are variant according to specifications. There are price differences between screened and non-screened models as well as being fully automatic or semi-automatic models. Please call us for the most suitable automatic defibrillator model. You can buy the Automatic Defibrillator for less than $1500 or €1500 almost.

  • Primary care clinics
  • Community clinics
  • Patient transfer ambulances
  • All amateur and professional sports clubs
  • Sports centers
  • Schools
  • Shopping malls
  • Airports and airplanes
  • Hotels
  • Government offices
  • Stadiums
  • Golf courts
  • Places of worship
  • Beaches, pools
  • Restaurants
  • Train, bus and subway stations
  • Countryside and villages
  • Police vehicles and fire trucks
  • Residential complexes
  • Rescue services

Automatic external defibrillators work with biphasic waveforms. Biphasic technology defibrillators with less energy provide the same performance according as monophasic defibrillator. In this way, it performs defibrillation with less damage to the heart muscles. Although commercially available AED devices are usually between 150 Joules and 200 Joules, some automatic defibrillators perform defibrillation up to 360 Joules.

Automatic defibrillator is a medical device. It can analyze the rhythm of the heart with smart software and provide defibrillation if necessary. The automatic defibrillator is specially designed for use by non-medical professionals and supports the revitalization of the heart through visual cue and verbal commands.

Automatic defibrillators are useful devices where simple handling is important. Many automatic defibrillators now have only one on / off button. In addition, electrodes in the form of adhesive electrodes (AED pads) are available for each automatic defibrillator. The connector of defibrillation electrodes is now standard. The sticking positions of the electrodes are indicated on the packaging of the electrodes and on the adhesive electrodes. In addition, some automatic defibrillators are delivered with a first kit. For example; Such as razor, breathing mask, gloves, scissors.

The automatic defibrillator can be operated in fully automatic and semi-automatic modes. Fully automatic defibrillator means that it performs defibrillation independent of the user and applies defibrillation (shock) independently of the user. For this purpose, it asks the user to stop touching the patient with a voice command. Then (usually after a countdown or more audible warning signal), defibrillation (shock) is performed without the user taking any action. In the semi-automatic mode, the Automatic defibrillator warns the patient not to touch, but then tells you that you need to press a shock button (usually flashing and red) to give the energy (shock).

As a sign of an automatic defibrillator, an international symbol for the automatic defibrillator has also emerged in accordance with the first aid international symbol (white lightning and heart on a green background). Also, locally known symbols are usually added to indicate the automatic defibrillator location. For automatic defibrillator use, there is also a brief instruction and a plan board that shows the necessary steps as soon as possible.

There are very few automatic defibrillators manufacturers in the world and you can find the most popular automatic defibrillator brand models of these companies below. If you want to be the authorized distributor of the highest quality defibrillators, please contact us. Our friends in the relevant department will help you.

  • Nihon Kohden Cardiolife AED-3100
  • Nihon Kohden Cardiolife AED-2152
  • Philips HeartStart FR3
  • Philips HeartStart OnSite
  • Philips HeartStart FRx
  • Primedic HearSave AED
  • Mindray BeneHeart C Series
  • Mindray BeneHeart D1 (Pro)
  • Zoll AED Plus
  • Zoll AED 3 BLS
  • Defibtech Lifeline AED
  • Schiller Fred Easyport
  • Schiller Fred PA-1
  • Progetti Rescue SAM
  • Radian Heart Guardian HR-501
  • Radian Heart Guardian HR-503
  • Cardiac Science PowerHeart G5
  • Reanibex 200
  • CU SP-1
  • Mediana HearOn AED
  • HeartSine Samaritan AED
  • Saver One AED