Automatic External Defibrillator

Automatic external defibrillator, also known as AED defibrillator, is a small, lightweight and portable device that delivers an electrical shock to the heart of a person who is experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. Automatic external defibrillator can be used at home, in the work place or in public places by anyone who is not a medical expert but who has had the appropriate training for using the device. The advantages of having an automatic external defibrillator is that it helps to keep the patient alive or to resuscitate the patient who is having a heart attack / sudden cardiac arrest until a professional emergency team arrives on the scene. That said, if a person who is having a heart attack is not defibrillated as quickly as possible, their chance of survival declines with every passing minute.

Medical experts state that the most crucial period in the treatment of a cardiac arrest patient is the first three or four minutes. Otherwise, the risk of brain damage and other complications increase drastically.
